learning that it really isn't about me...and maybe that defeats the purpose of this.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Way I Am #2

I'm pretty black and white, as you can read in my about me.

I either LOVE people, and love them with my whole heart, or I don't really care for them.
and I'm almost always sure how I feel about a certain person.

What gets to me is when I love and care and show that I love and care SO much.

and get nothing in return. Not even a simple thank you.
It is a horrible feeling -- unappreciation.

I can't help but feel so guilty of this as well though.
I'm sorry Natalie, I'm sorry family, I'm sorry God.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Silence is okay.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

things are changing.

Things are changing, for the better.
I know it might be hard for some people, but we have to learn to deal with things we don't like, right?
However other people feel, I love it.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Yesterday morning at approximately 2:30 I got sick. Nasty sick.
I won't go into details... unless you want me to. and that would be weird...

Anyway- it's been a couple years since I have been "I really need to stay home" sick.
Maybe it's that make up work and exemptions have gotten in the way.

Well. Once again, a stay at home from school day has escaped me again. Drats.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I See Fake People

I am judgmental.
Hypocritical, quick-tempered, selfish, stubborn, sensitive yet outspoken.

But never fake...because if I were fake I would have many more friends...and my blog more interesting.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

You know...

Sometimes I do not have a worshipping heart.
Sometimes I don't want to.

There are times when I'm just not in the mood.
I bet God feels the same way with me a lot.

Le Printemps

Spring is here and my body certainly knows. Let me set the record straight - Spring is probably my favorite season... My allergies don't really like it though.
Pollen Pollen Pollen.

Shakespear says some really cool things about spring in Romeo and Juliet.

"Such comfort do lusty young men feel when well-appareled April on the heel Of limping winter treads, even such delight among fresh fennel buds."

Basically - the kind of pleasure youths feel when winter has the slow months of winter pass and give way to the beauties of Spring, and what beauties there are.

j'aime le printemps